AAWP Review

If you’re looking into ways to make your site earn more with Amazon Affiliates, start learning how to use AAWP now.

Making money from your blogs can be quite challenging.

Especially when you are a marketer, you have to think of many ways to sell products and hopefully earn the commissions you can get for being in the Amazon Associates program.

Fortunately, there are tools we can use to make affiliate conversion so much easier and even more profitable.

One of the tools I use is AAWP[1], a plugin for WordPress that helps display Amazon products on your website effectively.

In this article, I’m going to show you:

  • How to use AAWP to automatically add Amazon affiliate products to your blog posts in WordPress
  • How to use its features (such as adding best-selling products, specific products, comparison tables, and shortcodes to pull product data into your content) and, as a BONUS,
  • How to add AAWP into your business’s processes as your company grows

Table of Contents

How To Install AAWP On WordPress

The Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin or AAWP is a plugin that helps create various widgets and tables to display Amazon products on your website.

Since it offers a customizable layout and a variety of options to promote products on your blogs, I can definitely say that it’s a tool you’ll want to look into adding to your websites, as soon as you can.

Before you can use it though, you need to purchase a subscription through their site.

STEP 1: Download the plugin

Once you’ve signed up for an AAWP subscription on their website, you’ll be able to go to your Account.

AAWP Account

Scroll down and you’ll see an option for Downloads. Click on that and then click on the Download button.

AAWP Download

Wait for the file to finish downloading.

AAWP Downloaded Zip File

STEP 2: Upload the plugin file to WordPress

Once the file is downloaded, go to your WordPress website, and go to Plugins.

WordPress Plugins

Click on “Add New”:

WordPress Add New Plugin

Click on “Upload Plugin”:

WordPress Upload Plugin

And then you can simply drag and drop the file you just downloaded. (You can also click “Choose File” to look for it in your Downloads folder, then upload.)

WordPress Upload Plugin Zip File

Click on “Install Now”:

WordPress Install Plugin

Then click on Activate plugin:

WordPress Activate Plugin

Which will take you to this screen:

AAWP Plugin Installed Page

STEP 3: Verify your License key from the AAWP website

On the left side of your WordPress dashboard, click on the red Settings menu item.

WordPress AAWP Settings

This is where you’ll have to input your license key. To get your license key, go back to the AAWP website. Click on the Licenses link on the left:

AAWP Dashboard Lincenses

Copy the key displayed on the page:

AAWP License Key

Return to your WordPress’ AAWP Settings and paste the key on the License key field. Then, click Verify License.

WordPress AAWP Settings Verify License

Doing so will take you to a page asking for your API Key and API Secret:

WordPress AAWP Settings API

STEP 4: Put in your API Key and API Secret to your WordPress site

Go over to your Amazon Associates account, hover on Tools, and click on Product Advertising API.

Amazon Associates Tools Product Advertising API

Once that loads, scroll down to the bottom to see Manage Your Credentials, then click on the Add Credentials button.

Amazon Associates Add Credentials

Doing this will create your access key and your secret key.

TIP: When you create these keys, make sure you save them locally. It’s best to have an accessible copy of your keys because if you forget what your secret key is, it could be very difficult to get it back.

STEP 5: Put in your keys to your WordPress site

Go back to your page and paste the access keys you just generated into the API Key field:

WordPress AAWP Settings API Key

Then do the same to your secret key in the API Secret field:

WordPress AAWP Settings API Secret

Underneath that in the Country field, you’ll want to select the domain extension for the country that you used to sign up into the Amazon Associates program.

As for me, I’ll choose “amazon.co.uk” in the drop-down list:

WordPress AAWP Settings amazon.co.uk

Next, paste your Tracking ID in this field:

WordPress AAWP Settings Tracking ID

Then click on the Connect button above:

WordPress AAWP Settings Connect API

If everything has been inputted correctly, you’ll then get it to reload with a tick that says “Connected”.  

WordPress AAWP Settings Connected API

Once successful, that’s everything you need to do to get AAWP set up and working on your website!

Need more convincing? If you want to try AAWP but you’re still hesitant if it’s worth the money, they are currently offering a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Once you try it and find it’s not for you, you can get your money back as long as you did not use it for more than 30 days.

AAWP Settings Worth Considering

I’ve said earlier that AAWP offers its users the option to customize how they’ll display Amazon products on their websites.

For this part, I’ll show you how I usually set my plugin’s settings up the first time. This is for you to have an idea about how you can make use of AAWP on your end to maximize its full potential.

Hide the advertised price

The first thing I personally do with my AAWP settings is to hide the advertised price of the products that will be displayed on my page.

This is because I want my readers to be curious about the prices which will lead them to click on the link on my website.

To do this, go to your AAWP’s Settings > Output.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings

Scroll down until you see the Pricing heading.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Pricing

Click on the drop-down list for the Advertised price, then choose Hide advertised price.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Hide advertised price

Hide the Amazon Prime logo

Secondly, another setting I like to tweak is hiding the Amazon Prime logo as well.

Usually, if there is an option for Amazon Prime, its logo will be displayed right next to the advertised price.

Since I want my readers to not see which website the products are being sold, this would also mean that I’d have to hide the Prime logo.

If you think you’ll want to do this, just go to your AAWP’s Settings > Output. Scroll down until you see the Pricing heading.

Under the Prime logo, there will be a drop-down list to choose whether to Display Amazon Prime logo besides the advertised price, whenever this service is available for the related product. The option selected is to “Show Prime logo and link to Amazon Prime” by default.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Display Amazon Prime logo

Click on the drop-down list, then choose Hide.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Hide Amazon Prime logo

Change the Label of the Buy on Amazon Button

Third, I like to change the label of the “Buy on Amazon” Button to another phrase that doesn’t include the word, “Amazon”.

I found that doing this has a positive effect when it comes to readers clicking on my website’s links. Also, aside from making them curious as to what the price of the product is, they wouldn’t know what website they’ll buy the product from.

As a result, I’ll have a higher volume of people clicking on my links, which will also mean that there’s a better chance of earning through affiliate conversion.

In this example, I want the label to say “Check price” instead.

From your AAWP’s Settings > Output. Scroll down until you see the Button heading.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Button

Then type in your phrase in the Label field.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Edit Label

You can see what it’ll look like in the Preview.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Edit Label Preview

DID YOU KNOW? Once your readers click on the affiliate links from your website, you’ll have a commission on anything they will buy within the next 24 hours.

Update the Style of the Buy on Amazon Button

Finally, to allow the button to be more visible, I also update the style to contrast my website’s theme colors.

For example, if my website’s usual color palette uses the color blue, then I’ll make the color of the button orange. Doing this helps it stand out from the rest of the page.

From the Button heading, click on the drop-down list for Style.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Change Default Amazon Style

Then choose the color that’s the opposite of your website’s usual colors.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Change Style to Green

You can also see how it’ll look like with the Preview.

WordPress AAWP Output Settings Edit Style Preview

NOTE: Don’t forget to save your changes!

If you’re making some changes, make sure to scroll down to the very bottom of the settings and click on Save Changes to avoid losing the adjustments you made.

WordPress AAWP Save Changes to Output Settings

Setting Up Amazon Bestseller Lists With AAWP

Now that we’re done with the basics, we can start getting serious with learning the wonderful features that AAWP currently offers.

For me, the best feature AAWP has at the moment is its ability to pull in the best-selling products from Amazon that contain a specific keyword. Plus, it’s so easy to do that it’ll just take you less than a minute to set up!

Do you see how cool these look?

Amazon Bestseller List for 4k Monitors

To set up Amazon Bestseller Lists on your page, follow the steps below:

1. Create a New Post on your WordPress website.

If you already have the post and you just want to add the list to an existing one, just click on Edit so that you’ll be taken to the WordPress Editor.

Add New Post in WordPress

2. Click on ADD block and then choose the AAWP block.

Now that you’re on your editor, add the AAWP block.

WordPress Editor Add Block

If you have lots of plugins, it would be easier to search for AAWP for it to appear on the options:

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Block

3. Choose the Bestseller Lists

Once you click on the AAWP Block, you’ll see six different options that the tool offers. For now, click on Bestseller List.

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Bestseller List

4. Add your Keywords

Next, it’s time to add your keywords in the KEYWORDS field.

If you already have a product in mind, this is where you’ll type it in so that it will be displayed on your page.

On my end, it’s giving me an example keyword, “4k monitor”, so let’s use that one here:

WordPress Editor Add keyword 4k monitor

5. Review your List

Now that I’m done with putting in my keyword, I’m going to scroll back up the page.

And just like that, I already have 10 products I can get displayed on my page. They are all different product listings that are currently the best-selling products on Amazon containing the keyword “4k monitor”.

This is the first item appearing on my list:

WordPress Editor Add keyword 4k monitor

Considering that it only took me about 30 seconds to set up, that’s absolutely way better than I’ll ever get doing this manually.

Can you imagine how long it will take you and your team to research and compile a list of products similar to this?

NOTE: Once a product is no longer being sold in 12 hours’ time, it’ll automatically be removed from our post and replaced with another one.

That’s something that without the use of this bestseller list plugin, you’d have to get a member of your team to manually change! Just this awesome feature makes it totally worth the subscription I pay.

How to Customize the Bestseller Lists in AAWP

If you thought that’s all you can do with a Bestseller List in AAWP, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Let me walk you through each of the settings you can change to optimize your earnings as an Amazon affiliate. You can see and edit your settings on the right side of the WordPress Editor:

AAWP Bestseller Listing Settings


This is where you can improve your Lists by changing the Number of Items, showing or hiding the ribbon, and changing the ribbon text.

AAWP Bestseller List Settings

Number of Items

This is the maximum number of items that are displayed on your post once you add an AAWP Bestselling Listing.

By default, the number of items on the list is set to 10. Personally, I only like 3 products to appear on my pages.

AAWP Bestseller List Number of Items

In this example, let’s do 8:

AAWP Number of Items in List Setting

Show Ribbon

This gives you the option to show or hide the ribbon on your list.

AAWP Bestseller List Show Ribbon

In this example, the ribbon is located on top of the image:

AAWP Bestseller List Samsung monitor with ribbon

Custom Ribbon Text

Of course, you can customize the ribbon text depending on the phrase you want.

AAWP Bestseller List Custom Ribbon Text

In the image earlier, the Text is “BESTSELLER + their position on the best-selling list”.

AAWP Bestseller List Bestseller Ribbon

You can literally put anything in here at all, depending on what you prefer it to be. As for me, I like to use this code: # %NUMBER%

AAWP Bestseller List Custom Ribbon Text with  # %NUMBER%

To make the ribbon appear like this:

AAWP Bestseller List Numbered Custom Text Ribbon

Sale Ribbon Text

On the upper right side of each item, this is where we can find the Sale Ribbon Text.

AAWP Bestseller List Sale Ribbon Text

This part is also customizable, depending on your preference. By default, the text here is just “Sale”:

AAWP Bestseller List Ribbon Text

Personally, I like to leave this as is.

If you want to change it up, here’s a suggestion: you can use “DEAL %NUMBER%” for the ribbon to look like this:

AAWP Bestseller List Deal Ribbon Text

Order Products

This is where you can change the order of your products using the amount or percentage saved, price, rating, title, and how many items you want to appear per page.

AAWP Bestseller List Order Products

Order By

In this drop-down list, you’ll have the option to order the products in various ways. For example, you can sort it by the amount that’s saved, the percentage that’s saved, or from the lowest to the highest price or vice versa. You can even order them alphabetically based on the title!

AAWP Bestseller List Order By

I don’t normally touch any of this stuff, but you might have other ideas depending on what you need. After all, it’s nice to have the option to change this.

Filter By

Another feature you can make use of is putting a filter to select which products will be put on display on your list. In case you only want to bring in products that are over a certain price or that contain a certain keyword, you can choose from this drop-down list:

AAWP Bestseller List Filter By

For example, if you only want to show Samsung there, just choose Title for the Filter By list, and type “Samsung” in the filter field. Then, make sure to also choose “Include” for the filter type:

AAWP Bestseller List Filter, Filter Items, and Filter Type

Doing this will make your Bestseller list only display products from the brand Samsung:

Samsung Monitors AAWP Bestseller List

Let’s do another example by choosing the Price for the Filter By list, and typing “150” in the filter field. Then, change the Filter Compare to “More”. Doing this will only display results that are priced over 150 pounds and not include the products that are under that set price:

AAWP Bestseller List Filter, Filter Items, Filter Type, and Filter Compare Settings

When I changed my Filter Settings, the first listing was still the same. However, the second bestseller listing has been updated to an AOC monitor instead, due to the fact that it fits the requirements that I set the filter on.

AOC AAWP Bestseller List


For this section, you change the length of the title that’s referring to this product title right here:

Samsung Monitor title AAWP Bestseller List

By default, the title length is set to 100.

AAWP Bestseller List Title

If you’re worried about it taking too much space up on your page, you can always set this to a lower number. When you do this, the title of the product will be appended with an ellipsis once it reaches the number you set.

This is what another listing will look like with 50 characters:

Philips Monitor title AAWP Bestseller List


With AAWP, you’ve also got the ability to change where the link on your lists goes through. By default, if the Link Type is set to Basic, clicking the link will take your visitors through the product page.

AAWP Bestseller List Links

As an example, when you click this link right here:

AAWP Bestseller List Click on Title

It will take you to the Amazon product page:

Amazon Product Page for Samsung monitor

You can change this by clicking on the drop-down list and choosing Reviews which will take your readers to the Reviews page for the product. Choosing the Cart will add the product to the reader’s cart automatically when they click on the link.

AAWP Bestseller List Link Type


This is where we can tweak the number of bullets and characters in the description. By default, Description Items are set to a maximum of 5 per bullet, with a total maximum Description Length of 200 characters.

AAWP Bestseller List Description

I like to reduce these numbers because as you can see from the below example, descriptions can get quite long:

AAWP Bestseller List Philips Monitor Description

When I set the number of Description Items to 3 with a maximum of 100 characters in length, it’ll look like this:

AAWP Bestseller List Philips Monitor Shortened Description

Once the description maxes out with the set number of characters, you’ll get an ellipsis at the end of the phrase that went over the limit.


This is where you can change the image size of your thumbnails.

By default, the Image Size is set to the medium option:

AAWP Bestseller List Thumbnail

If you want smaller or bigger thumbnails, you just need to click on the drop-down list and choose the size you’d prefer.

Sample image in Small:

Samsung AAWP Bestseller List Small Thumbnail

Sample image in Large:

Samsung AAWP Bestseller List Large Thumbnail

I like to use the default setting and make the image sizes set to medium, like this:

Samsung AAWP Bestseller List Medium Thumbnail

Amazon Button

You also have the ability to change the Amazon Button settings by completely turning it off if you don’t want it there for some reason and changing the text to another one.

AAWP Bestseller List Amazon Button

Let me show you how a product list appears with the button:

Samsung Monitor AAWP Bestseller List with Amazon Button

While this is the same product list without the button:

Samsung Monitor AAWP Bestseller List without Amazon Button

If you want to overwrite the “check price” that we wrote earlier, you could set this to say another phrase.

Let’s use View Product as I think that it may be better in this scenario:

Philips Monitor AAWP Bestseller List with View Product Amazon Button


You can also choose whether you want to show ratings and reviews or not.

By default, the Star Rating and Reviews are set to show:

AAWP Bestseller List Rating

Templates & Styles

For this part, you can also change the template that you use. If you really want to customize how your bestseller listings appear, try changing your template and grid, or even add a custom CSS class.

AAWP Bestseller List Templates & Styles

Let me show you the different options for the Template.

AAWP Bestseller List Template

A Bestseller List for the keyword, “laptop” using the Template List:

AAWP Bestseller List using keyword Laptop in List Template

Options for Grid:

AAWP Bestseller List Grid

A Bestseller List for the keyword, “laptop” using the Grid 3 Columns:

AAWP Bestseller List with keyword laptop using 3 Columns Grid

IMPORTANT: Once you make changes to your template, it may override the settings you did earlier. For example, did you notice how there are no descriptions on some of the products displayed in the image?  

This is why changing your settings for the first time may be a trial and error.

Other Settings

This is where you can overwrite your Tracking ID:

AAWP Bestseller List Other Settings Tracking ID

If, for some reason, you want to change it, just paste the data you want to use on the Tracking ID field.

Advanced Settings

Finally, you can add an Additional CSS Class(es) by putting it in the blank field:

AAWP Bestseller List Advanced Settings Additional CSS Classes

Incorporating additional CSS classes would be great if you want unique styling for your bestseller lists.

Once you’re done making your changes, make sure to click on Save Draft:

Save draft in WordPress Editor

Then Preview to take a quick look at the list you made:

 Preview Draft in WordPress Editor

This is the bestselling list I was able to make in just a few minutes:

Amazon Bestselling List Example using the keyword Laptop

Do you see how easy it is to do a Bestselling List now?

Also, as I said earlier, you don’t have to worry about updating the entire list once the products are not being sold anymore. Since AAWP is programmed to auto-update, a sold-out product will be replaced with another in its place within just 12 hours.

Setting Up Product Boxes With AAWP

As an Amazon affiliate, are there specific products you want to recommend?

If so, using the AAWP Product Boxes can be quite useful to include on your blogs.

AAWP Product Boxes are great as they are easy to set up and allow you to attract more visitors to click on the links you use for your affiliates. Since they are attractive and customizable, it’s an effective banner that may significantly increase your click-through rates (CTR) and conversion.

Let’s get started on setting up your first product box with AAWP:

1. Create a New Post on your WordPress website.

If you already have the post and you just want to add the list to an existing one, just click on Edit so that you’ll be taken to the WordPress Editor.

Add New Post in WordPress

2. Click on ADD block and then choose the AAWP block.

Now that you’re on your editor, add the AAWP block.

WordPress Editor Add Block

Search for AAWP for it to appear on the options:

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Block

3. Choose the Product Boxes

Once you click on the AAWP Block, you’ll see six different options that the tool offers. For this, click on Product Boxes.

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Product Boxes

After clicking, the General Settings will be displayed on the right side of the page:

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Product Boxes General Settings ASIN Field

The ASIN field is where you’ll enter the code of your product. If you already have it prepared, paste it here then continue with step #5. If you don’t know how to get the ASIN yet, proceed to the next step.

4. Get the ASIN of the product

To create a product box, you’ll need to get the Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASIN) of the particular item you want to promote.

The ASIN is basically a unique identifier that Amazon uses on its products.

To get this, you’ll have to go to the page of the product itself:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Bookshelf

Scroll down to Additional Information, then copy the ASIN:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Bookshelf ASIN

5. Paste the ASIN value on the ASIN field

Once you copied the ASIN of the product, go back to your WordPress editor, and paste it on that field.

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Product Boxes ASIN Field

After pasting the ASIN on the field, you will then be able to see the product box quickly generated on the Editor:

WordPress Editor Generate AAWP Product Boxes

Now you already have one Product Box!

If you want to add another Product Box, all you have to do is put a comma and a space on the ASIN field:

WordPress Editor Add AAWP Product Boxes ASIN Field add comma

Go to the Amazon page of the product:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Divider

Scroll down to Additional Information, then get the ASIN of the other product:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Divider ASIN

And finally, paste it on the ASIN field:

WordPress Editor AAWP Product Boxes add another ASIN Field

Once you’re done, you’ll now have two product boxes being displayed on the Editor:

WordPress Editor Two Product Boxes for Bookshelves

When you’re done making your changes, make sure to click on Save Draft:

WordPress Editor Product Boxes for Bookshelves Save Draft

Then Preview to take a quick look at the list you made:

WordPress Editor Product Boxes for Bookshelves Preview

Here is what it’ll look like:

Bookshelf Product Boxes in WordPress page

If you’re satisfied with how your Product Boxes appear, then it would probably just have taken you a couple of seconds to do.

This one only took me around 40 seconds – and the results are totally worth the bit of time I spent.

6. Other options to customize your Product Boxes

Remember what I did earlier to customize the Bestseller Listing?

The same settings will also show for your Product Boxes, which will allow you to alter your banners according to your own preference.

AAWP Product Boxes Settings

Here’s a brief recap of what these settings can do:

  • With Lists, you can:
    Show or Hide the Ribbon, Put Custom Ribbon Text, and Overwrite Sale Ribbon Text.
  • With Order Products, you can:
    Sort the products by attribute, from Ascending or Descending order, and change the number of items on each page.
  • With Filter Products, you can:
    Filter by Title or Price, define a characteristic, add a Filter Type, and include a requirement for comparing.
  • With Title, you can:
    Change the maximum amount of characters for each title of your product.
  • With Links, you can:
    Change the link type to direct readers to the Basic page, Reviews, or to their Carts.
  • With Description, you can:
    Change the number of items per description and set a maximum amount of characters for length.
  • With Thumbnail, you can:
    Change the image size to Small, Medium, or Large.
  • With Amazon Button, you can:
    Display or hide the “Buy on Amazon” Button or update the Button Text.
  • With Rating, you can:
    Show or Hide the Star Ratings and Reviews.
  • With Templates & Styles, you can:
    Change the Template from Default, Horizontal, Vertical, List, Table, Widget, Widget Vertical, and Widget Small. Choose from 2 to 6 Columns of Grids, and Add a Custom CSS Class.
  • With the Other and Advanced Settings, you can:
    Replace the Tracking ID of affiliate links and include Additional CSS Classes.

What I like to do with the settings for Product Boxes:

When it comes to Product Boxes, I prefer to just tweak a few things to make them more appealing to my blog’s visitors.

Here are the things I change:

  • Title Length
    I like to set the maximum amount of characters for my product titles to 50 or fewer. I do this because I want my boxes to be less crowded and busy for the eyes.
  • Description Items
    I also set the maximum amount of bullets on every description to be less than 3.
  • Description Length
    Finally, the setting I also usually change is the length of my Product Boxes’ description. I like to set the max to 100 that way, my readers will be more curious about the product, then click on the product’s link.

TIP: Although you can already put the products on your desired order using the ASIN code, you can still make use of Filter > Filter By > Then choose to order by the Title, Rating, Price, Amount Saved, or Percentage Saved.

Once I’m done with updating my settings, here’s how the Product Boxes on my pages appear:

Updated Bookshelf Product Boxes in WordPress page

Since this is a matter of preference, it’s normal for you to add or change some stuff to your own AAWP setting. Feel free to customize your boxes in a way that will match your business and your brand well.

Setting Up Comparison Tables With AAWP

Another really powerful feature of AAWP is its Comparison Tables.

Now, the process to create a Comparison Table may be a little bit different from what we were doing. However, I can tell you that they’re also very easy and quick to set up.

All you need to do in the WordPress sidebar is click on AAWP, then Tables:

WordPress dashboard AAWP Table

On the Tables page, click on Add New:

WordPress Add New AAWP Table

Then Add a title.

As this is going to be used later, it’s important to use a title you’ll recognize immediately.

For this example, I’ll still use the bookshelves we worked with earlier. My title will be, “Which bookshelf?”

WordPress Add New Table with Which Bookshelf as Title

Once you scroll come down, you’ll be able to see that you can add in ASINs again to select which products you’ll want to compare:

WordPress Add New Table Enter ASIN blank field

Since I’ll use the bookshelves from earlier, I will go ahead and grab the ASIN using the previous method, then add it to the Enter ASIN field.

To get this, you’ll have to go to the page of the product itself:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Bookshelf

Scroll down to Additional Information, then copy the ASIN:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Bookshelf ASIN

Paste the ASIN, then click Add product by ASIN.

WordPress Add New Table Add Product 1 by ASIN

After adding the first product, scroll down a bit, then add the ASIN of the second product you’re comparing each other to.

Go to the Amazon page of the second product:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Divider

Scroll down to Additional Information, then copy the ASIN:

Amazon Page HOMCOM Divider ASIN

Then, paste the code into the Enter field, and click Add product by ASIN.

WordPress Add New Table Add Product 2 by ASIN

Now that we have two products, it’ll look like this:

WordPress Add New Table Products

Scroll to the top of the page and see the Customization heading. This is where we’ll edit and select which Rows we will show in our comparison table.

How to Set Up Rows in Comparison Table

There is no right or wrong when it comes to setting up your Table.

After all, AAWP is highly customizable for a reason. Since it primarily aims to assist bloggers and Amazon affiliates in optimizing their CTR, the tool gives its users the freedom to configure all its features with less to no restraints.

Hence, I’ll show you in this part how I like to set up the rows in my AAWP Comparison Table on my websites. As I did earlier, I’ll use the bookshelves as my example.

  1. Add a new row for the Image
    The first thing I’ll do is click Add new row.
    WordPress Add New Table Add new row
    Then select Thumbnail.
    WordPress Add New Table Thumbnail
    Doing this places the image of the product at the very top of my comparison table later on. I like having the image as the first thing my visitors see as it is effective in catching their attention.
    After, I’ll link the image, click on Link output with the paperclip icon:
    I like to do this to make the image a link through to the product page.
    WordPress Add New Table Link output
    When my readers click it later on, they will be directed to the product’s actual page to know more details about it.
  2. Add a new row for the Title
    WordPress Add New Table Add second row
    Next, I like to add another row for the product’s name. Depending on what you need, you can choose to add a row for any of the data below:
    WordPress Add New Table Title
    For now, I’ll choose Title. Then, I’ll click on the field to Enter a label:
    WordPress Add New Table Add Enter a Label
    Then put the label as Name:
    WordPress Add New Table Name
  3. Add a new row, then choose Custom HTML for Wood
    WordPress Add New Table Add third row
    WordPress Add New Table select Custom HTML
    For this part, since I’m comparing two shelves to each other, I’ll add a detail that will determine what wood material is used to make each bookshelf.
    Hence, I’ll put the label as Wood.
    WordPress Add New Table Label Wood
    For comparison purposes, let’s assume that the first bookshelf is made of oak, while the other is made of pine.
    Now, scroll down to see more details about the products:
    WordPress Add New Table Product Description 1
    Aside from the field for Wood, all the other details will automatically do their own thing as I already set it up earlier.
    For Product 1, I’ll put Oak in the blank space:
    WordPress Add New Table Add Description Oak
    For Product 2: I’ll put Pine.
    WordPress Add New Table Add Description Pine
  4. Add a new row, choose Custom HTML, then label Guarantee
    WordPress Add New Table Add second Custom HTML
    WordPress Add New Table Label Guarantee
    Next, I’ll scroll down and add some necessary details.
    For the two products, I’ll say that both have a guarantee of 2 years.
    WordPress Add New Table Add Description 2 years Guarantee
  5. Add a new row, then choose Custom HTML for the Buy Now Button
    WordPress Add New Table Add Buy Now Button
    Finally, once the Buy Now Button has been selected, I’ll put “Price” as the label:
    WordPress Add New Table Label Price
    Remember that I set the price to say “Check Price” earlier? Unless I update the setting, it will continue to be the text for this element, which I’ll keep as is.
  6. Publish
    Now that I’m done with my setup, I’ll scroll to the top and click Publish.
    WordPress Add New Table Click Publish
  7. Add to WordPress post
    To add the comparison table to my post, I’ll click on Add block:
    WordPress Editor Add Block
    Then AAWP:
    WordPress Editor Add AAWP Block
    Choose Comparison Tables then click on Select A Table
    WordPress Editor click Select A Table
    I’ll click on the title of the table I made earlier:
    WordPress Editor Select the created Comparison Table, Which Bookshelf?
    Scroll to the top, then Save Draft
    WordPress Editor Save Draft
    Now I can see all the products on the comparison table being displayed.
    WordPress Editor Generated Comparison Table showing two bookshelves
    The first thing my readers will see is the clickable images, then the name of the shelf, what type of wood it’s made of, the duration of the guarantee, and the check price button.
    I will now check how it looks on my website by clicking on the view preview:
    WordPress Editor View Preview
    And I can now see a really good-looking comparison table that I did not take too long at all to build!
    Bookshelves Comparison Table
    To give an example on how to take your customization further, I’ll show you how I recommend a product to my viewers using the comparison table.
    To do this, I’ll go back to my table, look at the details on Product No. 2. and highlight the product by clicking on Select Colour:
    WordPress Editor Highlight Product, Select Colour
    For this, I’ll choose the color green:
    WordPress Editor Select Colour Green
    Then I’ll scroll back up and click Update:
    WordPress Editor Update Table
    I will then reload my WordPress page and see that the second product is already highlighted:
    Updated Bookshelves Comparison Table with highlighted recommendation
    Do you see how Product No. 2 stands out more when compared to Product No.1?

SEE ALSO: How We Structure & Publish Blogs For SEO (9 Tips For More Traffic)

Getting Single Product Data From Amazon

Think we’re done already? Not so fast!

Did you know that you can also use AAWP to get back valuable product data from a single product?

For example, if I want to have my page updated with the latest data from Amazon without having to manually add or edit it myself, I can do so with just a few steps.

My usual process to get single product data goes like this:

  1. Add or Edit the WordPress post I want to put the data into
    WordPress Editor Add Block
  2. Add block, then select AAWP
    WordPress Editor Add AAWP Block
  3. Click on Data Fields
    WordPress Editor Add AAWP Data Fields
  4. Copy the ASIN of the product
    Amazon Page HOMCOM Bookshelf ASIN
  5. Paste the ASIN into the ASIN field
    WordPress AAWP Data Fields Paste ASIN
  6. Click the drop-down list for Value
    There are several value options on the drop-down list. For example, you can choose a Title, Description, Thumbnail, Star Rating, Price, and even Button.
    WordPress AAWP Data Fields Value
  7. Choose Price
    The option I find to be useful here is the Price. Since Amazon has a policy against showing outdated prices on a website, it will be great to update the prices on your page automatically. Plus, you’ll be able to ensure that the prices you are giving to your readers are accurately based on Amazon’s pricing.
    WordPress AAWP Data Fields Price
    Once you click on Price, the current amount of the product will automatically be displayed, like this:
    WordPress Editor AAWP Data Fields Block
    The only downside to this feature for me is since the Data is on its own block, you will not be able to add text on either side of it.
    This means that if you’re using the block on its own, the text would usually have to be right above or below it. Like this:
    WordPress Editor AAWP Data Fields Block with text
    No worries though – if you really want to add text next to the price, you can still do this by using a shortcode that AAWP provided.

How To Use The AAWP Shortcode for Data Fields

To add a phrase or Call-To-Action or CTA next to an AAWP Data Field block, we can use this shortcode:

<span >No products found.</span>

All you have to do is replace the ASIN on the formula with the actual ASIN of the product on the code.

In doing so, it will automatically display the latest price of the item on Amazon, and you can add text before or next to it.

This will allow you to make the price display so much more natural and attractive to your readers.

Let’s use the ASIN of the same bookshelf we used earlier as an example:

All I did was put “The price today is”, then the shortcode, plus “This is a great deal!” on a paragraph block in WordPress:

WordPress Editor AAWP Data Fields shortcode

Once you’re done, just save the draft and preview your page. This is what my page displays:

Data Field Shortcode displayed on page

Of course, the text can be anything you want to put, as you can customize it according to your preference. Because AAWP shortcodes are more flexible to use, this is the reason why I like using them more instead of the block for updating prices on my pages.

Using AAWP Shortcodes

To make creating tables and lists even quicker, you can definitely use AAWP shortcodes on your websites.

Just use the following codes:

How to Create Product Boxes with a Shortcode

To create product boxes using AAWP’s shortcode, use this:

<p >No products found.</p>

As what I did earlier, just replace the ASIN1 and ASIN2 values with the actual identification number of the products.

As an example, let’s use the ASIN of the bookshelves earlier:

AAWP comparison box shortcode

That’s it! Just save your draft then preview the page.

Mine looked like this:

Comparison Table shortcode displayed on page

How to Create a Bestseller List with a Shortcode

Aside from product boxes, a Bestseller List can also be quickly created by just using a shortcode.

Not only that, but you can definitely customize and filter the table exactly as I did before, which will save you so much time.

To create a Bestseller List using AAWP’s shortcode, use this:

<div class="aawp">

<div class="aawp-product aawp-product--horizontal aawp-product--bestseller aawp-product--ribbon"  data-aawp-product-asin="0006861504" data-aawp-product-id="336" data-aawp-tracking-id="25111993-21" data-aawp-product-title="Keywords  A Vocabulary of Culture and Society">

    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 1</span>
    <div class="aawp-product__thumb">
        <a class="aawp-product__image-link"
           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0006861504?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/417PRT8sVlL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society"  />


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            Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Harper Collins Paperbacks</li><li>Williams, Raymond (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>344 Pages - 02/25/1988 (Publication Date) - Fourth Estate Ltd (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

    <div class="aawp-product__footer">

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                <a class="aawp-button aawp-button--buy aawp-button aawp-button--green aawp-button--icon aawp-button--icon-black" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0006861504?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Check Price" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored">Check Price</a>


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    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--sale">Sale</span><span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 2</span>
    <div class="aawp-product__thumb">
        <a class="aawp-product__image-link"
           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0631225692?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41ioO8qXwsL._SL160_.jpg" alt="New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society"  />


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            New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Bennett, Tony (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>454 Pages - 04/15/2005 (Publication Date) - Wiley-Blackwell (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

    <div class="aawp-product__footer">

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                <a class="aawp-button aawp-button--buy aawp-button aawp-button--green aawp-button--icon aawp-button--icon-black" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0631225692?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Check Price" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored">Check Price</a>


<div class="aawp-product aawp-product--horizontal aawp-product--ribbon aawp-product--sale aawp-product--bestseller"  data-aawp-product-asin="0860374467" data-aawp-product-id="338" data-aawp-tracking-id="25111993-21" data-aawp-product-title="Qur anic Keywords  A Reference Guide">

    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--sale">Sale</span><span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 3</span>
    <div class="aawp-product__thumb">
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           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0860374467?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Qur'anic Keywords: A Reference Guide" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51xUjgOketL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Qur'anic Keywords: A Reference Guide"  />


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            Qur'anic Keywords: A Reference Guide        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Qur'anic Keywords: A Reference Guide</li><li>Product Type: ABIS_BOOK</li><li>Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>300 Pages - 07/15/2010 (Publication Date) - The Islamic Foundation (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

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<div class="aawp-product aawp-product--horizontal aawp-product--ribbon aawp-product--sale aawp-product--bestseller"  data-aawp-product-asin="1578638399" data-aawp-product-id="339" data-aawp-tracking-id="25111993-21" data-aawp-product-title="Keywords for Astrology  The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets Signs Houses and Aspects">

    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--sale">Sale</span><span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 4</span>
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            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/4146D0UOIbL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects"  />


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        <a class="aawp-product__title" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1578638399?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide to Correspondences and Interpretation of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Hajo Banzhaf (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>304 Pages - 06/25/2024 (Publication Date) - Red Wheel/Weiser (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

    <div class="aawp-product__footer">

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                <a class="aawp-button aawp-button--buy aawp-button aawp-button--green aawp-button--icon aawp-button--icon-black" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1578638399?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Check Price" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored">Check Price</a>


<div class="aawp-product aawp-product--horizontal aawp-product--ribbon aawp-product--sale aawp-product--bestseller"  data-aawp-product-asin="0190636572" data-aawp-product-id="340" data-aawp-tracking-id="25111993-21" data-aawp-product-title="Keywords for Today  A 21st Century Vocabulary">

    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--sale">Sale</span><span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 5</span>
    <div class="aawp-product__thumb">
        <a class="aawp-product__image-link"
           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0190636572?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31DFgDtPOkL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary"  />


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            Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary: A 21st Century Vocabulary: The Keywords Project</li><li>Product type: ABIS_BOOK</li><li>Brand: Oxford University Press</li><li>The Keywords Project (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li></ul>        </div>

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<div class="aawp-product aawp-product--horizontal aawp-product--bestseller aawp-product--ribbon"  data-aawp-product-asin="1736280376" data-aawp-product-id="341" data-aawp-tracking-id="25111993-21" data-aawp-product-title="Keywords">

    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 6</span>
    <div class="aawp-product__thumb">
        <a class="aawp-product__image-link"
           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1736280376?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51fHpJzwbeL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Keywords"  />


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        <a class="aawp-product__title" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1736280376?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            Keywords        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Hardcover Book</li><li>Gabriel, Natureza (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>304 Pages - 06/01/2023 (Publication Date) - Applied Mindfulness, Inc. (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

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<div class="aawp-product aawp-product--horizontal aawp-product--bestseller aawp-product--ribbon"  data-aawp-product-asin="B08HMCNKVT" data-aawp-product-id="342" data-aawp-tracking-id="25111993-21" data-aawp-product-title="Amazon Keywords for Books  How to Use Keywords for Better Discovery on Amazon  The Amazon Self Publisher Book 1">

    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 7</span>
    <div class="aawp-product__thumb">
        <a class="aawp-product__image-link"
           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08HMCNKVT?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Amazon Keywords for Books: How to Use Keywords for Better Discovery on Amazon (The Amazon Self Publisher Book 1)" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51RiP8-EXBL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Amazon Keywords for Books: How to Use Keywords for Better Discovery on Amazon (The Amazon Self Publisher Book 1)"  />


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        <a class="aawp-product__title" href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08HMCNKVT?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Amazon Keywords for Books: How to Use Keywords for Better Discovery on Amazon (The Amazon Self Publisher Book 1)" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            Amazon Keywords for Books: How to Use Keywords for Better Discovery on Amazon (The Amazon Self Publisher Book 1)        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>Amazon Kindle Edition</li><li>Roberts, Dale L. (Author)</li><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>94 Pages - 09/15/2020 (Publication Date) - One Jacked Monkey, LLC (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

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    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--sale">Sale</span><span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 8</span>
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           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0822358891?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords in Sound" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41580aE9VYL._SL160_.jpg" alt="Keywords in Sound"  />


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            Keywords in Sound        </a>
        <div class="aawp-product__description">
            <ul><li>English (Publication Language)</li><li>272 Pages - 05/12/2015 (Publication Date) - Duke University Press Books (Publisher)</li></ul>        </div>

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    <span class="aawp-product__ribbon aawp-product__ribbon--bestseller">Bestseller No. 9</span>
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        <a class="aawp-product__image-link"
           href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08WV4TNRM?tag=25111993-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=%E2%80%9Dkeyword%E2%80%9D" title="Keywords for SEO: Actionable Knowledge Bombs to Help you Rank on Google" rel="nofollow noopener sponsored" target="_blank">
            <img class="aawp-product__image" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41Mxsl8uR3L._SL160_.jpg" alt="Keywords for SEO: Actionable Knowledge Bombs to Help you Rank on Google"  />


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            Keywords for SEO: Actionable Knowledge Bombs to Help you Rank on Google        </a>
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As what I did earlier, just replace the values with the actual ones I want to see for my list.

For example:

AAWP bestseller list shortcode

In this code, I wanted to create a bestseller list for 4k monitors, filter them by price, and find items that are priced more than 100 pounds. I also want my list to get back 10 items but display only 3.

Once I’m done with my shortcode, I’ll save the draft and then click on Preview.

Here’s what my list looks like:

Bestseller list shortcode displayed on page

As always, you can add more filters or tidy the listing according to what you want to display on your page.

Integrating AAWP Into Your Processes

Having a tool as useful as AAWP could do wonders for your affiliate marketing needs.

However, it may be quite challenging to start integrating it into your day-to-day processes, especially if you manage your own team.  

In the past, the way I used to do this was I would get the writer to write out the article completely. Then, I would get the publisher to publish it on the website. After that, then we’d mark it all down in our spreadsheet right here:

Master Sheet for articles

After the spreadsheet, I will come back at another time and then add an AAWP section to all of the articles where it’s relevant.

As you probably noticed, my old process was not as efficient and there were a couple of problems I encountered with doing that before.

Here’s what I didn’t like:

  • I’ll delay or forget to add the AAWP section on the articles
    When my writers and publisher update the spreadsheet, I have to get back on it to add the AAWP. Unfortunately, due to a very busy schedule, I may not be always up to date on getting the stuff done.
    At times, I may even forget to update the articles completely.
    Because of this, me and my team are losing valuable time as there is no set schedule when it gets done. I am also losing some commission as a result of this mistake.
  • I’m not using my team’s time and capabilities wisely
    When my writer has already gone through and done a load of research about these different products, it makes more sense to teach them how to do the AAWP as well. This also helps your team make use of more tools to improve your system in the long run.
    Once your writer already knows how AAWP works, it will be much easier for them to communicate to the publisher about what the article contains.

What I do now to integrate AAWP into my team’s process

After the trial and error, the way I now use AAWP goes like this:

Our writers are the ones who actually put the shortcode into the article that they’ve been writing.

They do so by placing a comment on the article with “shortcode”:

Sample article with shortcode comment

Next, the publishers go through the article and also start adding AAWPs if applicable. Since the comment is extremely visible, they already know that they have to add the blocks or shortcodes into the blog while they are preparing the posts:

WordPress Editor AAWP shortcode example

That was the most efficient way I found of doing it because it means only one person has to go through and do the research.

After that, I’ll make a note in the spreadsheet I showed earlier that that page has been monetized.  This allows me to track the pages properly.

Finally, I’ll just have a quick look and make sure that it’s not pulling back any products that are some stuff I don’t want on my site, or something that does not make sense.

Isn’t that so much better? If you’re planning to teach your team how to use AAWP, try my method and see if it’s also what’ll work for you.

AAWP Review: Is it worth it?

Now that I’m done telling you some of the wonderful features that AAWP offers, it’s time to think about whether this tool is worth getting the subscription for.

Personally, I truly think that getting a subscription for AAWP is necessary if you want to take your affiliate marketing process to another level. After using it with a couple of my websites, I can say that it saves me so much time in having to create tables and lists, plus, the end results are actually something that I want to place on my pages.

Because AAWP has a lot of features to offer, is easy to use, and allows me to customize so much according to my needs, I’ll say that it’s worth trying out.

What do you think?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I compare more than two products on the AAWP Comparison Table?

Yes, you can compare more than two products on the AAWP Comparison Table. When you are putting in the ASIN on the field, just add a comma and a space, then add the next ASINs to create the table.

Is AAWP free to download?

You need to pay a subscription to use the AAWP plugin for your websites.

Can I use WordPress for affiliate marketing?

Absolutely. WordPress is one of the leading content management systems (CMS) that you can use for affiliate marketing as it is reliable and user-friendly.

Is Amazon Associates legit?

Amazon Associates is certainly a legit program. However, you’ll need to submit an application and be qualified to be accepted as an Associate to start earning money.

How much do Amazon affiliates get paid?

There is usually no set amount of money that Amazon affiliates get paid. On average, it ranges from 80 to 16,000 pounds, depending on your sales and referrals.

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