magento marketing

So you’ve invested in a Magento website for your business and your products are set up and ready to sell – the only thing you need now is for customers to buy them.

Here’s some tips we’ve put together to help you market your Magento website (in order of priority).

Search Engine Optimisation

magento seo services

Being a Magento SEO company, you may have imagined we’d put this number one, but the simple truth is: if you want to sell more products, you need more website visitors.

Search engine optimisation is one of the best ways to get more visitors to your Magento website, as the traffic you get come through this way has the following 3 main benefits:

  1. It doesn’t cost per click
    Unlike almost every other form of online advertising, you don’t pay per click – instead you pay an SEO company to make improvements to your website. This makes it one of the only scalable advertising methods that grows with time instead of increased budget.
  2. They’re likely intending to buy
    If the SEO company you use does a good job, they’ll target keywords that are likely to result in a sale. And because you only get traffic from SEO when people are actively searching, they’ll be far more likely to buy than they would have they come from outdated interruption marketing strategies.
  3. They trust your website
    People trust Google’s top results more than they trust actual experts. And when you rank high for a product or type of product your customer is looking for people naturally assume you’re to be trusted (otherwise you wouldn’t come up high on Google).

If you don’t currently have the budget to invest in the services of a Magento SEO expert, you should still implement the fundamental Magento SEO set up advice we outlined for free in this guide here to see some fairly impressive results.

Content Marketing Strategy

One of the best ways to get serious results from SEO is through content marketing. Put simply, content marketing means creating keyword optimised website content to drive more visitors to your site.

Where most SEO agencies go wrong is they focus on creating a bunch of content that has a low chance of converting into sales. 

Or they target keywords that could turn into sales, but they structure the page wrong and let the would-be-customer take the information and shop elsewhere.

Although there is some benefit to having more traffic (even if it will never produce a direct sale) such as branding and the positive signals it sends Google about your website, if you’re investing in content – you might as well get the most out of it!

To get the most out of content marketing, make sure you’re targeting keywords with commercial intent such as “best pressure washers for cars” or “pressure washers buyers guide”.

Then after creating information about how to choose the right model, include recommendations and link through to the products you sell. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people forget to!

Online Advertising 

google ads

Next up is advertising on the likes of Google and Bing. We specifically name search engines in this segment for the same reason we hold SEO in such high regards when it comes to Magento marketing – the timing, intent and psychology of the traffic is perfect.

The only downside is it does cost per click, meaning the only way you scale it up is by increasing your ad budget. 

With that being said, the level of data you get back from Google ads can be very useful to combine with search engine optimisation, as you can track to the penny how much different keywords are producing in sales and which ones are a waste of money.

With this information, the marketing company can make better decisions as to which keywords to focus in on for SEO and which ones to abandon.

SEO aside, both Google and Bing ads can also increase trust, as many users of the internet don’t actually realise they’re adverts, making search engine advertising a great addition to your marketing efforts. 

Email Marketing

email marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to market your Magento website, but unlike the other two methods, email marketing isn’t necessarily going to attract new traffic, but can be used to increase sales of existing customers and warm up potential ones.

One of the most effective ways to gain email subscribers is by having some form of lead magnet on your website (be sure to research GDPR before doing this) and then sending out a well structured follow up series. 

You can also do cross promotions with another company’s mailing list, where you basically pay them to send out an email to your list. We’ve found this to be an affordable way to grow our clients email lists when combining it with some sort of lead magnet (such as a giveaway).

Cart Abandonment Emails

A lot of people who added a product to their cart but didn’t buy didn’t really change their mind about needing it at the last minute. 

Oftentimes something will come up and distract them, or they will feel uncertain at that exact moment. But the one thing that’s almost certainly true in most cases is they still want the product. And that’s where cart abandonment emails come in.

Magento has various options for cart abandonment email extensions you can buy at a relatively low price and send out reminder emails to customers who added something to their cart but didn’t buy.

You could offer them a discount or even simply ask if there’s anything they’d like to know about the product before they buy.

This is a great way to increase sales and is very cost-effective.

Social Media Marketing

social media marketing

Although the intent is undoubtably wrong for selling high ticket products, social media marketing can work as a great touch point for existing and potential customers. 

And with Facebook and Twitter ads, you can target people who have interests relevant to your business, are in your ideal age demographic, live within your delivery radius and more.

Plus you can also retarget people who visited your website and didn’t make a purchase, allowing you to make a friendly reminder that you’re open for business. 

Social media is great for gaining brand awareness, but not so good for making direct sales. It should therefore be integrated into your overall marketing strategy along with SEO and search engine ads.

Live Chat Widgets

Live Chat Widgets

Live chat widgets, also known as chatbots, are a great way to engage with customers and answer any presale questions they may have.

Any marketer worth their salt knows that customers like to buy, not be sold to. And that’s one of the main reasons many customers won’t naturally pick up the phone to ask questions – they’re worried about being forced into buying something they aren’t really sure about.

Live chat widgets get around that objection, as they feel safe knowing they can simply close the page at any point and the sales person won’t know who they were talking to. 

This also makes the questions customers ask more honest, as they feel that sense of anonymity.

Declutter Your Product Page

One of the main obstacles to a sale on many Magento stores is cluttering the product page with too much content above the buy button or providing too many options.

While internal linking and having a lot of content are important, always remember the reason why your product pages exist – to sell the product.

So make sure your buy button isn’t pushed below the scroll with loads of content and you don’t give too many options to click off the page.

Remember this digital marketing adage: “one goal, one option”

Exit Intent Pop Ups

Google (and most website users) aren’t keen on your website having pop ups as they provide a pretty bad user experience in most instances. 

This is why general pop ups are not high on the Magento marketing list. However, pop ups that fire as the user is about to leave the site can be extremely effective at capturing email leads of encouraging sales.

As the user’s mouse travels out of the website and up towards the back button, a pop up is fired inviting them to save 5% if they order now or join the mailing list for a chance of winning a free prize. 

This is a great way to keep visitors on your site and avoid losing a potential sale.


include testimonials

In human psychology, we have what is known as a cognitive bias towards copying what other people do. This is known as “social proof tendency”. 

Including testimonials from previous happy customers makes new visitors feel more comfortable about buying from your website.

Many websites show testimonials on the product pages, but you should also show them on your homepage too, as they want to know whether they can trust your company, not just whether the product is good.

One of the easiest ways to gain more positive reviews is by simply sending out an email after the customer receives the item asking them to leave feedback.

It’s a simple one, but not to be overlooked!

Recently Viewed Products

Recently Viewed Products

The recently viewed products widget is one of the best (and most under utilised) features Magento has built into the system. 

With very little development effort, you can feature products the visitor previously viewed on other pages of the website. 

This works as a friendly reminder that they showed interest in a product and makes it easy for them to navigate back to it and complete the purchase. 

Simplified Checkout

Simplifying your checkout process is incredibly important, especially if you have a website that has a large amount of traffic.

Even a 0.5% increase in ecommerce conversion rate can result in thousands of pounds worth of extra profit per year.

It’s well worth experimenting with one page checkouts and removing exit points to see which checkout design converts best for your website.

Gift Cards

In certain industries, selling gift cards can be a massive hit. And the best part? It’s built right into Magento 2’s core system, meaning there is very little development work to get this set up on your website.

Gift cards sell incredibly well during the Christmas period (when everyone’s trying to find a present for loved ones who don’t need anything) and should be promoted along a similar line through email marketing, social media, push notifications and your overall website’s messaging.

Be careful selling gift cards if you offer finance, as some finance companies have an issue with companies offering gift cards on finance. 

Push Notifications

push notifications

Although they’ve been in use for a good few years now, push notifications are still relatively new to most internet users. Which is why so many of them opt in to receiving them.

It’s my personal belief that most people actually think they’re agreeing to accept cookies when opting in, but don’t tell anyone I said that!

This makes it a great way to get a message out to your previous website visitors about any sales or promotions you may have at your store.

It’s very cheap, and integrates easily into Magento.

Need Help Marketing Your Magento Website?

Whether it’s advice on how to improve your website’s SEO, or you’d like help implementing one of the aforementioned marketing strategies – get in touch with us today. 

We’re always happy to talk Magento! Simply click on the button below and a member of our team will call you back shortly. 

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